‘There’s just nowhere to eat in Cardiff on a Monday!’ It’s a familiar complaint on a night when the keen diner is notoriously short of options. It’s the perennial question: where to eat out- and eat well- when local hospitality takes a post weekend-rush breather? So here’s your answer to ‘There’s nowhere open!’: sixty-odd of Read More
It’s a warm evening, verging on sultry, in Grangetown as I arrive at Hatsu Udon: 26 degrees as I sit, and I’ve spent the day on one of Cardiff’s busiest street food stalls. Clearly, cold noodles are going to be A Good Thing. There are a dozen or so countertop seats overlooking the long galley Read More
If you like lamb, have number 16, he says, grinning. That’s what everyone likes first time they come here. Haneed lamb it is, then. Unsurprisingly for a local Yemeni menu, meat dominates and lamb in particular. Some names are faniliar, others less so: so you can have it minced with tomatoes and onions, as soughar Read More
If Dante Alighieri imagined Hell’s gates with the inscription ‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter here‘ – and as a mission statement that takes some beating- then what happier slogan should you find at The Grange? After a series of heartily satisfying meals here on Grangetown, it’s tempting to imagine something which leaves you in Read More
Open for just over a month as I write this, Clare Road’s Al-Madina is another unadorned, uncomplicated Grangetown find. It’s not just the plastic sheet-covered tables and it-would-be-an-upgrade-to-call-it-bare- bones decor: there’s no social media, no Google listing yet, no invitation evenings with prescribed hashtags and 13 identical captions. How utterly refreshing. The bilingual menu- Arabic Read More
The cutlery at Harafs doesn’t have elegant lines and reassuring weight: it’s a jumble of odds and sods in a canteen style plastic tray. There’s no written menu either, and you’ll probably end up eating with your fingers- there’s a basin by the kitchen if that bothers you- and drinking your soup straight from the Read More