Disclosure: I was invited to Purple Poppadom to try this new ‘tapas’ menu with a guest . All food and drink was complimentary. No blog post was stipulated or requested: verbal feedback on the menu was asked for, and given, on the night. Ah, the irony. I’m on record as hating the term ‘tapas’ appliedRead More
I do so love the word smashed’. It’s everywhere, from the roll-my-eyes-whenever-I-hear-it-near ‘avocado’ (is there some edict preventing it being crushed or mashed or bashed or pulverised just the once?) to the sub-moronic ‘bantz’ of hairy-handed dinosaurs and braying City boys. It’s enough to have your eyes rolling so hard you risk the structural integrity of your bony orbits. But it really is the wordRead More